around the concept of Dualism, symbolized by a circle and a line. In January 2011, Mark Carpenter had a profound encounter with the divine, where he beheld a divine light he identified as God, an experience that forms the foundation of his book. The book’s structure mirrors the growth of a plant, representing various stages of development, with a central theme focusing on the evolution of world civilization, comparing it also to the growth of a plant, transitioning from a period of conflict and dystopia to the forthcoming utopian phase of sprouting. Alongside this central narrative, Mark delves into vital themes such as the empowerment of women, equality, animal rights, global citizenship, and global governance as integral aspects of the emerging utopian movement. The book’s poetic form, characterized by rhyme, accentuates the theme of duality. In each verse, the first line conveys purposeful content, while the second line adds a lyrical dimension as spiritual truths unfold. Among these truths, the book expounds on the seven phases of the life cycle, with the seventh phase representing rest, akin to the concept of Sunday or the Sabbath. This rhythm is reflected in each stanza’s structure of six lines, culminating in the “7th line of rest.” Mark Carpenter’s work encompasses a multifaceted exploration of spirituality, philosophy, and societal transformation, offering a unique and thought-provoking perspective on the journey of humanity.